Winter Beach Press is proud to announce the publication of
by Jeri Parker
Winter Beach Press is looking for those out-of-the-way treasures that might have been passed by. Areas of interest include nonfiction, particularly memoir, and the occasional work of fiction. We're interested in works that are anchored in the natural landscape that bring beauty and intelligence to their subject.
Books can be specially ordered by phone or mail:
Winter Beach Press
936 East 1700 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84105
800-569-0009 (toll-free)
by Jeri Parker
Available in paperback, $ 15.00
The Book
Carving from memory the ground she will stand on, Rennie England returns to the family home in Idaho in time to see her father’s body being carried out his fire-blackened bedroom window. Her journey to discover what happened will take her to his bedroom, to a candle in the room and a key in the lock, to other rooms where people fell in live, where people died. As she asks who was locked in and who was locked out, she hears the voices of her life in a new way—the father who hands his twins, but not by the neck; the grandmother, whose light comes with cinnamon and salt; the lover, who is the one right thing and out of reach even before he is assassinated.
Rennie learns what we get to keep and what we don’t get to keep, what we want to know and what we can’t let ourselves know, what we love and what we unwittingly betray.

A Thousand Voices
by Jeri Parker
Available in hardback, $ 16.95
The Book
A memoir of the remarkable relationship between a young, single woman and the wild, beautiful deaf boy who, for a time, took the place of the son she’d lost, A THOUSAND VOICES is a song of love and grief and a profound meditation on the limits—and the limitlessness—of human language.
His name was Carlos. Carlos Louis Salazar. And when his mother had troubles, I more or less stole him. Or that’s what I always said. He was the son I wanted, and I did get him for a while.
So begins A THOUSAND VOICES. It traces the grand adventure, the whimsy, the confusion and sorrow of one boy's third of a century, recounted by the woman who teaches him and takes him in. The friendship is filled with equal parts joy and adversity as Carlos, the young, deaf man at its center, struggles to find a purpose and place in the world. But at its deepest level, A THOUSAND VOICES stays a love story about language.
The story unfolds against the rich imagery of Utah’s high deserts and snow-swept mountains, the alpine forests of Idaho, and the wide boulevards of Montreal in the last decades of the last century.